Ensure the application of fair, competitive, transparent, value-for-money standards and Attain transparency, competitiveness, cost effectiveness and professionalism in the public sector procurement system.
Ensure the application of fair, competitive, transparent, value-for-money standards and Attain transparency, competitiveness, cost effectiveness and professionalism in the public sector procurement system.
Harmonize existing government policies and practices on public procurement and ensure probability, accountability and transparency in the procurement process.
Harmonize existing government policies and practices on public procurement and ensure probability, accountability and transparency in the procurement process.
The Public Procurement Act 2013 established the Track 9 Resources Ltd charged with the responsibility to amongst others, provide Legal and institutional framework and Professional Capacity for public procurement.
The Public Procurement Act 2013 established the Track 9 Resources Ltd charged with the responsibility to amongst others, provide Legal and institutional framework and Professional Capacity for public procurement.